Correlating structure and photophysical properties in thiazolo[5,4-d]thiazole crystal derivatives for use in solid-state photonic and fluorescence-based optical devices
Abhishek Shibu, Sean Jones, P. Lane Tolley, David Diaz, Carly O. Kwiatkowski, Daniel S. Jones, Jessica M. Shivas, Jonathan J. Foley IV, Thomas A. Schmedake and Michael G. Walter
Materials Advances

There is a growing demand for new fluorescent small molecule dyes for solid state applications in the photonics and optoelectronics industry. Thiazolo[5,4-d]thiazole (TTz) is an organic heterocycle moiety which has previously shown remarkable properties as a conjugated polymer and in solution-based studies. For TTz-based small molecules to be incorporated in solid-state fluorescence-based optical devices, a thorough elucidation of their structure–photophysical properties needs to be established. Herein, we have studied four TTz-based materials functionalized with alkyl appendages of varying carbon chain lengths. We report the single crystal structures of the TTz derivatives, three of which were previously unknown. The packing modes of the crystals reveal that molecular arrangements are largely governed by a chorus of synergistic intermolecular non-covalent interactions. Three crystals packed in herringbone mode and one crystal packed in slipped stacks proving that alkyl appendages modulate structural organization in TTz-based materials. Steady state and time-resolved photophysical properties of these crystals were studied via diffuse-reflectance, micro-Raman, and photoluminescence spectroscopy. The crystals fluoresce from orange-red to blue spanning through the whole gamut of the visible spectrum. We have established that photophysical properties are a function of crystal packing in symmetrically substituted TTz-based materials. This correlation was then utilized to fabricate crystalline blends. We demonstrate, for the first time, that symmetrically substituted donor–acceptor–donor TTz- based materials can be used for phosphor-converted color-tuning and white-light emission. Given the cost effectiveness, ease of synthesis and now a structure–photophysics correlation, we present a com- pelling case for the adoption of TTz-based materials in solid-state photonic and fluorescence-based optical devices.