Perturbative analysis of the coherent state transformation in ab initio cavity quantum electrodynamics
Peyton Roden, Jonathan Foley

Experimental demonstrations of modified chemical structure and reactivity under strong light-matter coupling have spurred theoretical and computational efforts to uncover underlying mechanisms. Ab initio cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED) combines quantum chemistry with cavity QED to investigate these phenomena in detail. Unitary transformations of ab initio cavity QED Hamiltonians have been used to make them more computationally tractable. We analyze one such transformation, the coherent state transformation, using perturbation theory. Applying perturbation theory up to third order for ground state energies and potential energy surfaces under electronic strong coupling, we show that the coherent state transformation yields better agreement with exact ground state energies. Additionally, we apply perturbation theory up to second order for cavity mode states under bilinear coupling, elucidating how the coherent state transformation accelerates the convergence of the photonic subspace towards the complete basis limit and renders molecular ion energies origin invariant. These findings contribute valuable insights into computational advantages of the coherent state transformation in the context of ab initio cavity quantum electrodynamics methods.